Blue style resort: Očarljiv obalni hotel kljub pomanjkljivostim
To poletje sva se s partnerjem odpravila na grški otok Samos. Samos je čudovit otok s kristalno čistim morjem, prelepe modre barve. Na njem se skriva kar nekaj zgodovine, imenuje se namreč tudi otok znanosti, saj se je tukaj – med drugim – rodil in ustvarjal znameniti Pitagora.

Prebivala sva v bližini glavnega mesta Samos, tik ob plaži, v letos popolnoma prenovljenem štirizvezdičnem hotelu Blue style resort, ki se je do letos sicer imenoval Samian blue. Gre za majhen, očarljiv hotel, s ponudbo »vse vključeno«. Od pretežno prodnate plaže ga loči zgolj ozka neprometna obalna cesta. Tam so na voljo tudi ležalniki in sončniki za katere načeloma ni potrebno plačati, plača pa se komzumacija.
Minimalistična soba
Moram priznati, da sem bila, ko sem vstopila v sobo, precej razočarana. Bila je relativno majhna in minimalistična, kljub temu, da je bila povsem prenovljena. Zakonska postelja je bila za moj okus mnogo preozka, balkon pa premajhen. Najin razgled sta bila šavje in neka hiša. Omara je bila moderna, brez vrat, v spodnjem delu le-te je bil manjši hladilnik, ki je odlično hladil, v sobi pa je bilo absolutno premalo električnih vtičnic.
Prijetno presenečenje je bil kuhalnik za čaj in kavo s skodelicami, sladkorjem in z instant kavo. Če sva uporabila skodelice in porabila sladkor, so nama vedno priskrbeli nove in tudi sicer so sobarice odlično opravljale svoje delo.
Kopalnica je bila dovolj velika, tuš kabina pa bi lahko bila učinkovitejša. Sestavljena je bila iz delnih steklenih pregradnih vrat in odtoka, brez kadi za prhanje, tako da je bila kopalnica po prhanju precej mokra.
Očarljiva okolica

Kar je hotelu primanjkovalo v sobi, je nadoknadil z okolico. Vse je bilo lepo in elegantno urejeno. Recepcija je bila svetla in prijetna, receptorka Dafne pa nama je vedno priskočila na pomoč, ko sva jo potrebovala. Pred hotelom je bil zasajen jasmin, tako je vedno zadišalo, ko si vstopil. Okrog hotela pa je bilo veliko simpatičnih površin za posedanje in druženje.
Hotel ponuja precej velik bazen za odrasle in manjši bazen za otroke. Nadstandardne sobe ponujajo celo lastne bazenčke. Okrog bazena so senčniki in ležalniki, ki pa bi jih lahko bilo nekoliko več. V bazenskem baru si si lahko v primeru, da si imel »vse vključeno«, natakal določeno pijačo, barmeni pa so pripravljali zelo okusne koktajle.
Do centra glavnega mesta Samos, ki sicer ni nič posebnega, je kakšen kilometer in pol hoje, večinoma v hrib.
Pomanjkljiva ponudba »vse vključeno«
Vse osebje v hotelu je bilo zelo prijazno in kljub temu, da izbira hrane ni bila ravno največja, je bila vsa hrana okusna in odlično pripravljena. Zajtrk se je bolj ali manj ponavljal, vendar je bila ponudba dovolj velika za vse tipe ljudi – tiste, ki imajo radi zdrave zajtrke s kosmiči in sadjem, za tiste ki obožujejo klasiko z namazi in salamami, za tiste, ki imajo radi topel zajtrk in za tiste sladkosnede. Večerja in kosilo pa sta bila vsak dan drugačna, vsakič pa je bila na izbiro kakšna riba, nekaj prilog in vsaj dve vrsti mesa. Izbor sladic je bil za moj okus precej boren.

Ponudba »vse vključeno« je bila – na drugi strani – precej pomanjkljiva. Na voljo si imel vse tri obroke in pecivo po eno uro dvakrat na dan. Enkrat na dan za eno uro si lahko dobil sladoled na kepice, do 23. ure zvečer pa si si lahko točil pijače. Ponujali so sokove iz šankomata, navadno in mineralno točeno vodo, točena suha belo in rdeče vino, točeno svetlo pivo in ouzo. Vključeno ni bilo nič drugega. Nobenih drugih žganih pijač, nobenih vod v steklenicah, nobenih koktajlov… Ob prihodu sva dobila navodila, da v primeru, da se bo ob bazenu dogajal kakšen dogodek, kot denimo koncert, lahko gremo tja le, če naročimo pijačo za vsaj 3€ na osebo, pijačo si takrat lahko točimo samo v restavraciji. Prav tako smo morali, če smo želeli poležavati na ležalnikih ob plaži, vsaki 2 uri naročiti vsaj za 4€ pijače ali hrane po osebi.
Kljub temu, da sem na začetku mislila, da mi hotel ne bo všeč, me je prepričal z okolico in prijaznim osebjem, okusno hrano, odličnim bazenom, bližino plaže in super koktajli ter; za mojega partnerja; dobro izbiro posebnih piv – čeprav sva jih morala plačati. Morda se bom tja celo še kdaj vrnila.
Ocena: 4/6

Blue style resort: Charming coastal hotel with a few lacks
This summer my partner and I went to the Greek island of Samos. Samos is a beautiful island with crystal clear water with a beautiful blue colour. There is a lot of history there too. Its’ other name is actually an island of the science, because famous Pythagoras was born and worked there.
We stayed near the capital city of the island, Samos, just by the beach, in in this year completely renovated hotel Blue style resort, once called Samian blue. Blue style resort hotel is a charming small hotel, with the »all inclusive« service. Between the small nice pebbled beach there was just a narrow coastal road with almost no traffic. For the consummation you could use a beach sunbeds too.
Minimalistic room

I must admit I was pretty disappointed when I firstly entered the room. It was relatively small and minimalistic furnished, although it was completely renovated. Double bed was very narrow for my taste and the balcony was too small. Our view was poor, on the bushes and some house. A closet was modern, without doors. There was a small freezer there that worked very good. And there was just a couple of sockets in the whole room.
Cooking jug with cups, sugar and instant coffee was a nice surprise. If we used cups and sugar, they replaced it every time. And housekeepers were doing their job great. Room was always clean.
A bathroom was big enough, but the shower cabin wasn’t very practical. It was composed only with half partition wall made of glass and drain, without any showering tub, so you were standing on the floor and when you showered the bathroom was wet.
Charming surroundings
What the hotel was lacking in its’ rooms, it compensated with its’ surroundings. Everything was decorated elegantly and nice. The reception was bright and beautiful, and Dafne, the receptionist, always helped us when we needed her. There were planted Yasmin trees Infront of the hotel, so it always smelled very nice when you came in and there was a lot of cute places to sit around.

The hotel had a pretty big pool for adults and a small pool for kids. Deluxe rooms even offered a small private pools. There were sun umbrellas and sunbeds around the pool area, dough there could be more of them. If you had »all inclusive« you could pour drinks for yourself at the pool bar and barmen made great cocktails.
There was about 1,5 km mostly up and down-hill walk to the centre of Samos, which wasn’t nothing special.
Inadequate offer of »all inclusive«
All the staff at the hotel was very nice and friendly and although there wasn’t a lot of variety in the food, the food was very tasteful and nicely prepared. Breakfast was more or less the same every day, but it was possible for every type of people to get something for them. There was something for those that liked healthy food, like cereals or fruit, for those who love classics, like bread spreads and salami, for those that like warm breakfast, like eggs and even for those with a sweet tooth. A dinner and lunch were different every day. There was some fish, at least two sorts of meat and enough of sides. But the variety of desserts was rather poor form my taste.
On the other hand, the »all inclusive« service wasn’t as it should be. You had all 3 meals and some cake twice for an hour a day. You could get an ice-cream once a day for an hour. From the morning until 11 p.m. you could get as much drink as you wanted, but only certain types of drinks. They were offering sodas and juices from the machine, a still and carbonated water also from the machine, dry white and red wine, draught beer and ouzo, nothing else. No bottled water, no other strong drinks, no cocktails… When we came, we’ve got the instructions that if there is something happening by the pool, like a concert or something, we can be there only if we buy drinks for at least 3€ per person. In that case you couldn’t get any »all inclusive« drinks by the pool, just at the restaurant. Also, if you wanted to use the sunbeds at the beach, you had to order some food or drinks every 2 hours for at least 4€ per person.
At the beginning I thought I won’t like this hotel, but it finally »bought me« with a charming surroundings, friendly staff, tasty food, nice pool area, beautiful beach and great cocktails (and good variety of special beers for my partner) , although we had to buy them. Maybe I will even come back some day.
Review: 4/6