Hotel Omorika: kjer 300 metrov postane veliko
Crikvenica je priljubljeni turistični obalni kraj na Hrvaškem. Nahaja se na predelu imenovanem Kvarner, z lepim in čistim morjem ter veliko dogajanja.
Tokrat sva se s partnerjem odpravila v prenovljeni štirizvezdični hotel Omorika. Ta se nahaja med mestom Crikvenica in mestecem Dramalj, plaža pa je oddaljena okrog 300 metrov. Blizu? Ja…če ne bi bilo stopnic!
Oh te stopnice!
Hotel Omorika se nahaja na dobri lokaciji, to mu je potrebno priznati, pa vendar je morje zame predaleč. Pa ne zaradi 300 metrov, ki resnično niso veliko, temveč zaradi stopnic!
Pot do plaže Omorika namreč vodi po mnogih stopnicah, katere niso problem, ko hodiš proti plaži…ko se vračaš proti hotelu pa to postanejo. Sploh, če nisi ravno ljubitelj stopnic…in uganete lahko, da jaz vsekakor nisem. 😉 Stopnice lahko sicer deloma nadomestiš s strmim klancem, če greš v hotel naokrog, vendar, kar se mene tiče, to ni nič boljše.
Je pa zato tamkajšnja plaža velika in živahna, morje pa precej lepo. Pa tudi odlične koktajle delajo v coctail baru na plaži. 😀
Obnova na hitro
Hotel Omorika ima 6 nadstropij in si zasluži 4 zvezdice. Vendar čez nekaj let ni nujno, da bo še tako, saj je bil obnovljen bolj na hitro, zato se nekatere napake že kažejo.
Poleg tega pa moram priznati, da sem bila precej razočarana nad receptorko, ki naju je sprejela. Ni nama namreč povedala ne, kje je restavracija in ne, kje je dostop do plaže. Za nameček pa sva hotel morala zadnji dan zapustiti do 10. ure, kar se nama je zdelo mnogo prekmalu. Vseeno pa moram resnično pohvaliti to, da po vsem hotelu diši.
Lepo opremljene sobe in kar dva balkona
Soba, ki sva jo dobila, je bila lepo opremljena, s kar nekaj zanimivimi detajli. Omar in odlagalnih površin je bilo dovolj, manjkal pa je kakšen obešalnik na steni in kakšna vtičnica več. Zakonska postelja je bila kar velika in udobna, vendar precej visoka, jogija pa težko potegneš dovolj skupaj za »cartanje«.
V sobi sva imela tudi mini hladilnik, brez pijače, tako da sva vanj lahko dala, kar sva hotela, in ravno prav veliko televizijo s solidnim naborom tv programov. Kopalnica je bila prenovljena z dovolj veliko tuš kabino.
Ker sva se nahajala na skrajnem delu hotela, je najina soba imela kar dva balkona. Manjšega s stranskim pogledom na morje in dizajnerskim pohištvom ter večjega s pogledom na park in parkirišče, vendar brez pohištva.
Bi pa sobe lahko čistili malo temeljiteje.
Odlična hrana
Hrana v hotelu Omorika je zelo dobra. Nabor je velik in vse je zelo okusno – tako za zajtrk kot za večerjo. Organizacija je odlična, saj se nikoli ne zgodi, da posamezne jedi zmanjka za več kot za pol minute. Če zmanjka katere sladice, pa jo pač nadomestijo z drugo. Veliko je narejenih raznolikih solat, na žalost pa je manjša izbira nepripravljenih »solat«, kot npr. korenčka, koruze ipd., borna je tudi izbira vin.
V hotel Omorika bi se z veseljem še kdaj vrnila, če ga bodo le vzdrževali in izboljšali še tistih nekaj pomanjkljivosti, ki jih imajo.
Ocena: 4,5/6
Hotel Omorika: where 300 meters becomes too much
Crikvenica is a popular touristic town at the Croatian coast. It’s located at the part called Kvarner, with a beautiful clean sea and a lively atmosphere.
This time me and my partner stayed in a renovated 4-stars hotel Omorika. The hotel is located between Crikvenica and Dramalj. There is 300 meters to the beach. Near? Yes…if there wouldn’t be so many stairs!
Oh, all that stairs!
Hotel Omorika has a good location, but the sea is still too far for me. Not because of these 300 meters, which really isn’t a lot, but because there are truly a lot of stairs to walk through before you get to the beach Omorika. They are really not a problem when you are walking down to the beach, but when you are walking back up…well…then they become a problem. Especially if you’re not a fan of them…and you can guess that I’m really not. 😉
You can replace the stairs with a steep hill, if you go around, but that’s not much better, I think. But I must admit that the beach is big and lively, the sea is nice, and they are making delicious cocktails at the cocktail bar at the beach. 😀
Quick renovation
Hotel Omorika has 6 floors and it deserves 4 stars…for now. But it was renovated in a hurry and there are some mistakes already showing. Thus, if they won’t maintain it properly, the hotel will lose its’ charm.
Also, I must admit I was disappointed with a receptionist, who checked us in. She didn’t tell us where the restaurant is and where there is an access to the beach. Also, we had to check out of the room until 10 am on the last day, which was really early. But I must give them a tump up, because there was a very nice fragrance throughout the whole hotel.
Nicely furnished room with two balconies
The room that we got, was nicely furnished with a lot of nice details. There was enough of closets and storage areas, but there was a lack of hangers on the walls and socket outlets. The bed was big and cosy, but a bit tall and you couldn’t put the mattresses close enough for cuddling.
We had an empty mini fridge in the room, so we could put there whatever we want. The TV was big enough with a good variety of TV programs. The bathroom was nice, and it had a big enough shower cabin.
Because our room was at the corner of the hotel, we had two balconies. The smaller one with a nice side sea view and fashionable furniture and a bigger one with a view at the park and the parking lot, without the furniture.
They could clean the room a bit better, dough.
Delicious food
The food in the hotel Omorika was very good. There was enough of variety and everything was very delicious – at the breakfast and the dinner. They were well organized, so it never happened that we were without some dish for more than half a minute. If there ran out of the one kind of the desert, they replace it with another. There was a lot of different prepared salads, but less of the unprepared salads, like carrots and corn. The variety of wine was very poor too.
I would gladly re-visit Hotel Omorika again, if they’ll maintained it properly and enhance some details.