Muzejska noč 2019
V soboto, 15. junija 2019, je v Sloveniji potekal projekt Muzejska noč. Projekt poteka vse od leta 2012 in na ta dan so mnoge galerije in muzeji odprti do polnoči, vstop vanje pa je brezplačen.
Sama sem Muzejsko noč preživela v Celju, kjer sem se najprej udeležila tematskega zgodovinskega sprehoda po Celju s Sofio Hess, ljubico Alfreda Nobela. Kasneje pa sem obiskala Pokrajinski muzej Celje, kjer sem si ogledala tri razstave: Celeia – mesto pod mestom, Grofje Celjski in Od šivanke do zvezd. V sklopu Muzejske noči je v muzeju potekala tudi predstava o Almi M. Karlin, pred muzejem pa so bili na ogled starodobniki.

Night of the museums 2019
On Saturday, 15th of June 2019, there was an all Slovenian project the Night of the museums – Muzejska noč all over the country, thus on that day many of galleries and museums were opened until midnight and they were entrance free. The project started in the year 2012.
I spent my Night of the museums in Celje, where I visited a themed historic walk through the Celje with Sofia Hess, a lover of Alfred Nobel and afterwards I visited the Regional museum of Celje, with 3 exhibitions: Celeia – the city under the today’s city, Counts of Celje and prehistoric exhibition. Beside the exhibitions in the museum there was a theatre performance about Alma M. Karlin and in front of it there was an exhibition of an old cars and bicycles.