Makarska riviera je čudovita, ujeta med mogočno morje in veličastne gore. Vsak korak te popelje v svet lepega. Kristalno čisto morje prelepe barve te s svojo šumečo pesmijo kar vabi v svoj objem, veličastne gore in prelepi razgledi na kamnite vrhove pa v tebi zbujajo strahospoštovanje. Od tam tako enostavno ne morete oditi, brez da bi se podali na raziskovanje čudovite pokrajine, zato sem se odločila, da z vami delim predlog, kako se tega lotiti.
Sama sem se na raziskovalno avanturo podala iz Tučepov, zato bom tudi to popotovanje začeli tam.
Očarljiva Modro in Rdeče jezero

Iz Tučepov se bomo najprej odpravili v Imotski, gorsko mestece, ki je dobrih 40 km oddaljeno od izhodiščnega mesta. Mestece samo po sebi ni nič posebnega, zato predlagam, da se skozi mesto zapeljete kar do kakšen kilometer oddaljenega Modrega jezera, ki je ujeto med strme gorske stene in vas bo očaralo s svojo edinstveno, turkizno modro barvo vode. Do jezera se je mogoče spustiti po urejeni poti, vendar je pot do obale kar dolga. Bojda se v poletnih mesecih tam tudi kopajo. Nad jezerom pa kraljuje še trdnjava.
Jezero poleti popolnoma izgine, posušeno področje pa enkrat na leto postane nogometno igrišče za lokalni nogometni ekipi.
Le kakšna dva kilometra od Modrega jezera boste našli Rdeče jezero. To je nekoliko bolj zelenkaste barve, vendar še vedno posebno in lepo. Obkrožajo ga strme kamnite stene v rdečkasti barvi. Najbrž se prav zaradi tega imenuje Rdeče jezero.
Pokrajina na področju Imotskega je sicer zelo lepa in nekateri jo imenujejo hrvaška Toskana. V bližini jezer pa se v kraju Prološac nahaja tudi Zelena katedrala. Edinstvena katedrala posvečena Mariji, z oltarjem in oboki na prostem, med stoletnimi stebli. Žal je trenutno mnogo manj zelena, saj tam že nekaj časa podirajo številna drevesa, ki sicer objemajo Zeleno katedralo, tako sem sama našla tam bolj gradbišče, ki je nakazovalo, da je bila Zelena katedrala nekoč res veličastna.
Od Imotskega bomo nadaljevali proti Baški Vodi in plaži Brela, ki je na poti nazaj proti Tučepim.
Čudovita plaža Brela

Sama Baške Vode sicer nisem obiskala, a kolikor vem, je simpatično obalno mestece, vsekakor pa priljubljena turistična destinacija. Sama sem šla kar mimo tega mesteca in se zapeljala do plaže Brela, ki velja za eno najlepših plaž na svetu.
Plaža Brela ima zelo prepoznavno kuliso z veliko skalo blizu obale, na kateri rastejo drevesa. Morje tam je čudovite barve, kristalno čisto in takšno, da te enostavno očara. Ko boste posedali na plaži ali na klopeh tik ob njej, pa bo čas tako hitro minil, da sploh ne boste vedeli, kdaj sta minili ura ali dve.
Ko se boste naveličali posedanja na plaži ali kopanja v čudovitem morju, se odpravite v Makarsko, središče Makarske riviere.
Zabavna Makarska

Makarska je – pričakovano – največji kraj na Makarski rivieri. Kraj je precej razvlečen, eden od najlepših delov kraja pa je, tako kot večinoma povsod, v starem delu mesta. V mestu je kar nekaj cerkva, zabavali pa vas bodo tudi številni kipi. Med njimi zagotovo izstopata kip turistu in kip kopalcu.
Ko si boste ogledali stari del mesta, nikar ne zamudite še sprehoda do polotoka Sveti Peter, kjer kraljuje simpatičen svetilnik in ena večjih plaž v kraju. Nad svetilnikom je pot, ki ponuja čudovite razglede na morje in razpenjene valove, ki se razbijajo na slikovitih skalah na robu pokrajine.
Če boste pustolovsko razpoloženi, se lahko z avtom odpeljete tudi vse do tamkajšnjega najvišjega vrha, Sveti Jure. Razgledi so baje dih jemajoči, vožnja pa vratolomna, saj cesta ni dovolj široka, da bi se na njej srečali dve vozili. Posledično se ti lahko zgodi, da boš moral, da se boš umaknil, voziti kar nekaj kilometrov vzvratno. Sama se tja nisem odpravila, saj je bila gora zaradi oblačnega in deževnega vremena ves čas ovita v oblake.
Ko bomo zaključili z ogledom Makarske, pa se bomo počasi vrnili tja, kjer smo začeli svoje popotovanje, v mestece Tučepi.
Nepozabni Tučepi

Tučepi so očarljivo majhno mestece na Makarski rivieri, ki me je začaralo s čudovitim morjem. Dolga obala je na vsakem koščku drugačna in svojstvena. Morje šumi in buči in ob posedanju na obali lahko jasno slišiš, kako mogočna voda obliva in premetava kamne. Naše popotovanje bomo tako zaključili s kratkim sprehodom po tem očarljivem mestu. Sprehodili se bomo od področja, kjer se nahajajo največji hoteli, do centra mesta, ki je oddaljeno kakšnih 500 m, in sprehod zaključili ob manjšem mestnem pristanišču. Tam si bomo baterije spet polnili s čudovitimi razgledi na morje.
V centru Tučepov je kar nekaj barov, kjer si lahko privoščite okusne koktajle. Sicer pa se mesto ponaša tudi z všečnimi restavracijami, ki so zelo stilsko urejene in imajo zelo okusno hrano. Če boste tam 1. maja, pa ne smete pozabiti tradicionalne otvoritve sezone, ko turistična zveza Tučepov »časti« turiste in domačine s hrano in pijačo ob glavni rivi mesta, otvoritev pa je še bolj zabavna zaradi gostiteljev urejenih v narodno nošo značilno za Tučepe, in glasbenikov, ki preigravajo dalmatinsko glasbo.
Celotna avantura od vas ne bo zahtevala veliko vožnje, vsega skupaj največ dve uri, bo pa od vas zahtevala kar nekaj hoje, tako da pojdite nanjo primerno opremljeni.
Makarska riviera and it’s secrets

Makarska riviera is trapped between majestic sea and high beautiful mountains. Every step takes you to the world of beauty. Chrystal-clear sea with its beautiful colour is inviting you in its embrace. A view on the magnificent rocky heights is bringing up the feeling of respect. You just can’t leave this place without exploring its beautiful landscape, that’s why I’m sharing with you my suggestion how to start.
I started my adventure of exploration in a small town Tučepi, so we will start there as well.
Charming Blue and Red lake
We will start our trip at Imotski, a mountain town about 40 km from Tučepi. The town itself is nothing special, so I suggest that you just drive through it. On the end of town there is a Blue lake, which is caught between fell mountain walls and it will charm you with its unique turquoise blue colour of the water. You can take a walk down to the lake, but the way is pretty long. On a warmer day you could even see people swimming in the lake. On the rising ground above the lake there is also an interesting fortress.
The lake completely vanishes in the summer and the dried land becomes a big football field for local football teams once a year.

Just about 2 kilometres down the road there is another lake, called Red lake. Its water is a bit greener, but it’s still beautiful and special. It’s surrounded with the red rocky walls that gives the lake its name.
The landscape surrounding Imotski is very beautiful and some people call it Croatian Tuscany. Near the lakes, next to the town Prološac, there is a Green cathedral. It’s a unique structure dedicated to Saint Mary, with an altar and archways in the outdoors, surrounded with old trees. Unfortunately, the Green cathedral is much less green nowadays, because the authorities chopped a lot of those old trees and thus you will find there more a building ground then beautiful natural cathedral.
We will now go from Imotski to Baška Voda and the beach Brela, which are on our way back to Tučepi.
Magnificent beach Brela
I actually didn’t visit Baška Voda, but, as I know, Baška Voda is a nice little coastal town and without a doubt very popular tourist destination. I passed by this town and went directly to the beach Brela, which is considered to be one of the most beautiful beaches in the world.

The beach Brela has a very distinguished scene. A shore with a big rock with few trees growing on it. The sea is beautiful, crystal-clear and so magnificent that simply enchants you. When you’ll sit on the beach or at the benches next to it, the time will pass by very quickly.
When you will have enough of sitting on the beach or swimming in the sea, you can advance your trip to the coastal town Makarska, the centre of Makarska riviera.
Fun Makarska
Makarska is – as expected – the biggest town on Makarska riviera. The town has a linear shape and one of the most beautiful parts of it – as in many other places – is in an old part of the town. There are few churches in the town, and you’ll have some fun with finding all the sculptures located on the streets. The most interesting of them are probably a sculpture dedicated to tourists and to swimmers.
When you’ll finish exploring the old part of the town, don’t forget to take a walk to the peninsula Saint Peter (Sveti Petar), where you’ll find nice lighthouse and one of the biggest beaches in the town. Above the lighthouse there is a path, which is offering beautiful sights on the sea and big waves that are bashing into the big rocks on the shore.

If you’ll be adventures enough, you can drive to the top of the highest mountain in the region, Sveti Jure. The views are supposed to be breath taking, but the journey could be very dangerous, because the road is not wide enough for two vehicles to meet, so it can happen that you’ll have to drive backwards for a few kilometres. I didn’t go there myself, because the mountain top was covered in clouds all the time due to bad weather.
When you finish your sightseeing of Makarska riviera, you drive back to the place where we started our journey, in the little town Tučepi.
Unforgettable Tučepi
Tučepi is a small, charming coastal town on the Makarska riviera, which bewitched me with its beautiful sea. The long shore is unique and different in every corner. The sea is murmuring and when you are sitting on the beach, you can clearly hear how the rocks are rolling when the water is embracing them. Thus, we will finish our journey with the walk through this nice town. We will start our walk at the area with big hotels and walk slowly to the centre of the town, about 500 meters ahead, and finish it at the small harbour of the town. There we’ll fill up our batteries with beautiful views of the sea again.
In the centre of Tučepi there are some bars, where you can have delicious cocktails. The town also has a lot of nice restaurants, which are very stylishly done and have a very delicious food. And if you’ll be there on the May 1st, you mustn’t miss the traditional opening of the season, when the Tourist office prepares a special event for tourist, on which you can taste various food, get some wine and listen to dalmatian music, and all that for free.
For the whole adventure you won’t have to drive for long, only for two hours at most for everything. But you must be prepared for long and not always so easy walks, so dress appropriately.
Good luck!