Grad Veliki Tabor iz vasi Desinić, blizu slovensko-hrvaške meje, sem odkrila slučajno, ko sem raziskovala, kam v okolici Rogaške Slatine bi lahko šla na izlet in vesela sem, da sem ga našla. Grad je namreč izredno zanimiv za ogled, in če si ogledaš eno od razstav v njem, na kateri je predstavljen njegov razvoj, lahko opaziš, da so njegovi restavratorji in upravljavci naredili resnično veliko delo. Grad je bil namreč praktično v razsulu, ko se danes sprehodiš po njem, pa o tem ni ne duha ne sluha. Še več, grad je bil celo kulisa za hrvaške serije in filme o Veroniki Deseniški.
Na vsakem koraku nekaj drugega

V gradu se nahaja kar nekaj raznolikih razstav. Že ob prihodu te pozdravijo zanimive kovinske umetniške skulpture, ki so pravzaprav razstava skulptur Lupinizam, avtorja Stephana Lupina, znanega umetniškega fotografa. Ko vstopimo na glavno dvorišče gradu, pa nas že pričakajo zanimivi eksponati iz preteklega časa, kot so kočije in vodnjaki.
Muzej se sicer razprotira na več nadstropjih. Ob sprehodu skoznej spoznavaš zgodovino gradu vse od začetkov v 15. stoletju pa do danes. Vidiš ostanke čudovito izdelanih peči in celo dve precej ohranjeni peči, razstavljeno je grajsko pohištvo in še kaj.
Pomemben del muzeja grad Veliki Tabor pa je razstava o Frideriku Celjskem in Veroniki Deseniški, ki je tukaj imenovana Veronika Desinićka, o katerima sem vam že govorila, ko sem predstavljala Stari grad Celje.
Friderik in Veronika

Po tukajšnji legendi naj bi Veronika Deseniška prihajala prav iz vasi Desinić, kjer stoji grad Veliki Tabor. Tukaj naj bi jo srečal mladi Friderik in se takoj zaljubil. Ko je Friderikov oče Herman II. ugotovil, da se mlada zaljubljenca želita poročiti, ga je to zelo razjezilo. Kar nekaj časa naj bi ju lovili njegovi vojaki, med tem pa naj bi Friderik in Veronika povila celo sina.
Po dolgem pregonu so zaljubljenca prijeli, Friderika je oče zaprl v stolp v celjskem gradu, Veroniko pa naj bi obtožil čarovništva, čeprav naj bi porota razsodila, da ni kriva. Za kazen jo je Herman dal utopiti kar v čebru, na dvorišču gradu Veliki Tabor. Veronika naj bi po gradu še vedno strašila in žalovala za svojo ljubeznijo.
Ta legenda je izredno prisotna v samem gradu, nekaj posebnega pa je razstava o kapelici sv. Janeza, ki naj bi jo dal zgraditi sam Friderik II.. Na razstavi predstavljajo freske iz le-te, ki naj bi prikazovale zgodbo Friderika II., Veronike Deseniške in Hermana Celjskega.
Grad je vsekakor vreden obiska, tako zaradi zgodb, ki jih nosi kot zaradi samega gradu in razstav v njem.
Ocena: 4.5/ 6

Castle Veliki Tabor: scene dock for a story of Friderik and Veronika
I discovered the castle Veliki Tabor in the village Desinić, near the Slovenian-Croatian border, when I was looking what to visit in the surroundings of Rogaška Slatina. I am very happy that I found this jewel, because the castle is very interesting to see and if you pay attention at one of its exhibitions, you will find out that the instaurators and managers of the castle really did a big thing. The castle itself was in ruins before they started working on it and today the castle is renovated beautifully. It was even a scene dock for a few Croatian series and movies about Veronika Deseniška.
In every step you see something different

In the castle there are a few interesting exhibitions. When you step in to the castle you see a few very interesting metal sculptures that are actually an exhibition of sculptures called Lupinizam, from the author Stephan Lupina, a well-known art photographer. When you get in to the main castle yard, there are a few interesting exhibits from history, like coaches and wells.
The museum itself extends on three floors and when you walk through them, the history of the castle from the 1400s untill today is reveled in front of your eyes. You can see the remains of beautifully done furnaces, a few pieces of old castle furniture and much more.
A very important part of the museum is the exhibition about Friderik Celjski and Veronika Deseniška. Veronika Deseniška is called Veronika Desinićka here. I already told you about these tragic lovers in my presentation of the Old castle Celje.
Friderik and Veronika
The legend about Friderik and Veronika is a bit different here than in Celje. They believe that Veronika Deseniška comes from the village Desinić, where the castle Veliki Tabor is placed. Young Friderik met her here and fell in love with her immediately. When his father, Herman II. heard that the young lovers want to get married, he was really angry. He sent his men to find them. However, their hunt lasted a long time, so Friderik and Veronika even had a son in the meantime.

After the long hunt, they caught the young lovers. Herman locked his son, Friderik, in the tower in the Old castle Celje and he accused Veronika of being a witch, although the jury said at the trial that she’s not guilty. Her punishment was that he drowned her in the tub at the yard of the castle Veliki Tabor. They believe that Veronica is still haunting the castle and mourns her big love.
This legend is extremely present in the castle Veliki Tabor. They even have a very special exhibition about the chapel of Saint John, which is believed that was built by Friderik II. At the exhibition you can see frescoes that are showing the story about Friderik, Veronika and Herman.