Očarljivi hotel Atlantida
Ko sem slišala za pet zvezdični hotel Atlantida boutique hotel v Rogaški Slatini sem nekako pričakovala tematsko obarvan hotel, ki bo svoje prostore in aktivnosti začinil s sčepcem tematike skrivnostnega mesta Atlantida. In, če so že svojo zgodbo skušali spisati tako, da so se povezali z mitično Atlantido, pa prostori in aktivnosti vsekakor ne govorijo temu v prid. Kljub temu pa daleč od tega, da bi bila razočarana. Našla sem namreč sodoben, lep hotel, ki je res nekaj posebnega.
Rogaška Slatina je sicer pomembna slovenska turistična destinacija, najbolj poznana po mondenem wellness turizmu. Mesto s svojo zdravilno vodo je bilo prvič omenjeno že v 16. stoletju, do sredine 19. stoletja pa je Rogaška Slatina postala mondeno zbirališče avstro-ogrske elite. Njen simbol je pegaz in tudi nastanek Rogaške Slatine je povezan z legendo o konju, ki je, ko je plemiča popeljal po gozdu, brcnil v kamen, iz katerega je pritekla čudežna voda.
A vrnimo se k hotelu Atlantida, ki se nahaja nekaj sto metrov stran od centra mesta Rogaška Slatina. Ta vas bo pričakal s stilsko opremljeno vežo in izredno prijaznim osebjem v recepciji. Brez hotelske kartice se ne boste mogli popeljati niti z dvigalom. Sobe so prostorne in sodobno opremljene, z udobno posteljo – vsaj zame, ki imam raje rahlo mehkejše žimnice. Kopalnica je velika in ima tako prho kot kad. Tudi balkon je relativno velik, s kakovostnimi stoli in mizo, je pa res, da vas razgled najbrž ne bo tako zelo prepričal.
5-zvezdična izkušnja
Če vas že sam hotel in lepe sobe ne bodo prepričali, da ste v hotelu s 5 zvezdicami – pa bi vas lahko, bodo za to poskrbele malenkosti. Že pri zajtrku z izredno okusno in raznoliko samopostrežno ponudbo, ki je dopolnjena še s posebnimi jedmi, ki si jih lahko izberete iz menija (tudi te so vključene v ceno), si lahko nalijete kozarček kakovostne penine. Za kavo ali čaj ne boste stali v vrsti, temveč vam jih bodo prinesli k mizi. Izbira pa je izpolnjena tudi s svežim sadjem, med njimi celo jagodičevjem, ki je mene najbolj navdušilo.
Tudi večerja je kombinacija samopostrežne in strežene ponudbe. Hrana je okusna in kakovostna, je pa res, da kljub temu, da izberete glavno jed z menija, ni nujno, da boste dobili točno to, kar piše. Če denimo piše, da vas čaka medaljon, boste dobili navadni zrezek. Če boste ob vinu želeli navadno vodo, pa jo boste morali plačati, saj boste lahko dobili le ustekleničeno.
Hotelski wellness
Še ena takšna malenkost, ki vas bo spomnila, da se nahajate v visoko kakovostnem hotelu, je ta, da boste lahko ob obisku bazena in savne dobili na posojo brezplačne brisače in to kolikokrat boste hoteli – tudi večkrat na dan.
Bazen v hotelu Atlantida je nekaj posebnega predvsem zaradi temno modrih luči, ki sijejo iz njega. Ni posebej velik, je pa všečen. Na bazenskem delu pa vam je na voljo še masažni bazen. Vse okrog bazena so kakovostni ležalniki, bazen pa je le nekaj korakov stran od savn.
V hotelu Atlantida so tri savne – dve finski, ena z nižjo in druga z višjo temperaturo ter turška savna, del savn pa je tudi privlačno počivališče, ki skozi okna v njem daje iluzijo živih slik narave.
Preizkusila sem tudi eno izmed masaž iz njihove ponudbe. Izbrala sem aroma masažo. Vsekakor lahko rečem, da je bila profesionalno izvedena, je pa res, da je bila za moj okus mnogo premočna.
Hotel Atlantida me je očaral in prepričal in svetujem vam, da ga, če boste le imeli priložnost, obiščete tudi vi.
Ocena: 5 / 6
Charming hotel Atlantida
When I heard about a 5-star hotel, the Atlantida boutique hotel in Rogaška Slatina, I somewhat expected to see an Atlantis themed hotel. Well, I thought wrong. Though they tried to connect their story with Atlantis; the hotel is actually very modern and beautiful.
Rogaška Slatina is a very important tourist destination in Slovenia, well known for their high-class wellness tourism. The first written mentions of the town and their water with healing powers date back to the 16th century and by the mid-19th century, Rogaška Slatina became a high-end meeting place for Austro-Hungarian elite. Its symbol is a Pegasus and a pegasus is connected with the legend about the creation of the town too. The legend tells that when a noble was riding the woods around Rogaška Slatina with his horse, the horse kicked a stone and from it the magical water appeared.
But let’s go back to the Atlantida hotel, which is placed a couple hundred meters from the town center of Rogaška Slatina. It will welcome you with a stylishly done reception and very friendly receptionists. Without a hotel card you won’t even be able to take an elevator. The rooms are big and nicely modernly furnished, with a cozy bed – at least for me, because I love a bit softer mattresses. The bathroom is also big, with a shower and a bath tub. The balcony is relatively big too and furnished with quality chairs and a table, but unfortunately the view is not so appealing.
5 stars experience
If the hotel itself, with beautiful rooms, won’t convince you that you are in a 5-star hotel – but it should, there are a few little things that will.
With a self-service breakfast, that has a nice variety of quality food, that is complimented with the dishes on the menu (they are included in the price), you can take a glass of a quality sparkling wine. And you won’t need to stay in line to take coffee or tea, they will bring it to your table. The variety of food is also complemented with fresh fruit, even with mix berries, which certainly impressed me.
Dinner is a combination of self-service and service too. Food is tasty and good, but it’s true that it’s not sure that you’ll get exactly what you ordered from the menu for the main dish. If it’s written that you can order a medallion, you will probably get an ordinary steak. And if you’ll want some water next to your wine, you can get bottled only.
Hotel wellness
One of those little things is also that you can get complementary towels for the pool and sauna as many times as you like, even a few times a day.
The pool in hotel Atlantida is very special because of the dark blue lights that are shining out of it. It is not especially big, but it’s likable. At the pool area you can find a Jacuzzi too and a lot of quality deck chairs. The pool is just a few steps from the sauna.
You will find 3 saunas in hotel Atlantida – two Finnish with different temperatures and one steam sauna. There is also a very attractive resting area, the windows in there are giving an illusion of beautiful alive nature paintings.
I also tried one of the massages from their offer – aroma massage. I can say that while it was professionally done, it was much too rough for me.
Hotel Atlantida bewitched me and I advise you to visit it if you’ll have the chance.
Review: 5 / 6